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of use

1. About compliance with access rules

2. About the platform

3. How the platform is structured

4. About free content

5. About paid courses

6. What the platform DOES NOT offer for courses

7. Use of the Portal and its links

8. Use of the Services by the USER

9. The USER, in these Terms of Use, agrees to

10. It is the responsibility of the USER

11. The USER undertakes

12. Copyright and Intellectual Property

13. Information Reliability

14. Modifications to these Terms and Conditions

15. Exclusion of warranties and liability

16. Limitations of Liability

17. Cancellation Rules

18. Doubts


This term refers to the rules for using the content of the CURSOS DE MEDICINA DE AVES platform:

1. About the agreement of access rules:

1.1         O acesso e a utilização dos conteúdos do site “ ”, depend on the full agreement with the clauses referring to the term of assignment of use and supply of contents set out below:

1.2         A manifestação quanto à adesão às cláusulas a seguir ocorrerá através da confirmação of the word “ok”, “send”, “buy”, when the phrase “by registering you agree to the terms or conditions” is written, or any similar information.

1.3         Mesmo que não haja qualquer espécie de aviso específico no conteúdo, ao accessing the website and agreeing to the cookies policy and website guidelines the user is aware that he/she will be in agreement with the policy written below, as well as the contractual terms.

1.4           cf5 agreement validation cannot prevent site validation.

2. About the platform:

​2.1         A plataforma faz part of the CURSO DE MEDICINA DE AVES school and through this website it offers free content, lectures, lives and posts in free navigation areas or navigation areas for members, where registration will be necessary to allow access. It also offers, at a cost, distance courses, online, telepresence, live or recorded, for veterinarians, biologists, zootechnicians, bird tutors and other interested parties.

2.2         Não é papel da plataforma e seus conteúdos gratuitos ou pagos (palestras , lives, courses, posts or any content available), nor from MV Octávio Lisboa, guide on clinical and surgical cases, provide treatments, diagnoses or prescribe medication online. These practices violate veterinary medical ethics and are in accordance with article 8 of the veterinary code of ethics, which prohibits the professional from prescribing without prior clinical examination of the patient and, if violated, may result in professional ethical processes. Click here to access the veterinary ethics code.

2.3         A plataforma tem como principal foco atividades de manejo animal no que diz respect to birds.

2.4       The portal “” provides its visitors, students and partners with absorbed information case, practice, study of specialized literature) by the veterinarian Octávio Lisboa CRMV 8812 RJ and other invited and accredited professors.

2.5         O site apresenta diversos trabalhos realizados pelo médico veterinário responsável (Octávio Lisboa ).​

2.6         O portal ainda oferece para profissionais interessados espaço para a realização de palestras , congresses and training courses.


3. How the platform is structured:​

3.1         Área de Home: Nesta área é apresentado ao USUÁRIO um breve resumo of each of the existing topics on the site.​

3.2         Área de Sobre: Nesta área o USUÁRIO tem acesso a biografia do veterinarian Octávio Lisboa.​

3.3         Área de Palestras: Nesta área o USUÁRIO tem acesso a todos os videos of lives and lectures given by the veterinarian Octávio Lisboa and guests on other platforms (eg instagram, zoom).​

3.4         Cursos: Área onde o usuário tem acesso a consultar todo o catálogo of courses of the Medicine Courses of Aves.​

3.5         Serviços: Área onde o USUÁRIO pode ver os serviços oferecidos pelo médico veterinarian Octávio Lisboa​.

3.6         Contato: Área para entrar em contato com o portal .

3.7         Login: Área de cadastro para visualização dos conteúdos gratuitos da plataforma. To access the paid courses, the student must use the link sent by email or access the “Nutror” website, and it is not possible to access the content of the courses through the “Nutror” website.”.

4. About free content:

4.1         Os conteúdos gratuitos disponíveis na plataforma ficam dispostos no endereço: “”.

4.2         Os conteúdos gratuitos estão divididos in free navigation areas and navigation areas for members, the latter being mandatory for the USER to register to receive access to the content.


5. About paid courses:

5.1           _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b”, and may be on a waiting list or with open enrollment.

5.2         A lista de espera dependerá da disponibilidade do curso, não havendo prazo minimum or maximum for the course to be made available.

5.3         Alguns cursos podem exigir quórum mínimo, essa informação constará em edital, The contractor may even postpone the course launch date or cancel if there is not the minimum number of students foreseen, as will be stated in the notice and contract.

5.4         A oferta dos cursos será feita através de edital disposto em formato de “landing page” where all the information and rules of the course offer will be made available to the USER (content, access period, values, etc.).

5.5         Quando necessário, a empresa poderá em edital requerer o envio de documentos that prove the technical qualification for the approval of the student's participation in the course, in these cases, the registration will only be confirmed after the submission and approval of the documentation.

5.6         Quando for necessário algum material específico para a realização do curso, esta information will be included in the public notice and it will be the student's responsibility to acquire these materials.

5.7         Em todas as aulas é necessário que o aluno tenha acesso a um electronic device with internet and email.​

5.8         Em alguns cursos pode haver necessidade do uso de webcam, microfone e application like Whatsapp, Telegram, Zoom, etc.

5.9         O USUÁRIO, ao clicar no botão 'COMPRAR” será direcionado para the website of the company “Eduzz/Nutror”, where the purchase can be made and where the content of the online course will be made available.

5.10       The release of the purchased course content and access to the private area will only be available after acceptance of the credit or clearing the bank slip.

5.11       After approval of the purchase, the student will receive the link to access the course content via the registered email.

5.11.1   Access to course links is exclusive and restricted to students who have purchased the course. The content of the courses is the property of Cursos de Medicina de Aves, therefore the user undertakes not to share, record, copy, modify, reproduce, distribute, download, store, transmit, sell, resell, reverse engineer or create products. derived from any content available in the course or on the Cursos de Medicina de Aves platform, under penalty of civil and criminal liability.

5.12       É totalmente vedado ao aluno o compartilhamento das informações de outros alunos.​

5.13       Before accessing any service, prospective students must read and agree to the terms of the agreement, which will govern the rules of the relationship existing between the parties.

5.14       In the private area of the “Nutror” website, content, videos, downloads and guidelines will be made available chosen and contracted course.

5.15       When the student purchases any course that uses the “Nutror” platform, he will automatically agree to the policy Nutror company's cookies and privacy.

5.16       The courses may or may not support doubts, defined and disclosed previously in the public notice.

5.17       When there is the support option, questions:

5.17.1   Questions should be sent in the “comments” field available below the video of each class on the course platform on the “Nutror” website;

5.17.2   Other means of communication will not be accepted to carry out the support and doubts;

5.17.3   Teachers will only answer questions from students with an active contract;

5.17.4   Only questions pertaining to the course content will be answered;

5.17.5   Questions related to specific cases will not be answered, which characterize in the response the performance of a veterinary consultation, a practice that is prohibited by the Federal Council of Veterinary Medicine (CFMV).

5.18       Some courses even offer the possibility to participate in online study groups via Whatsapp, Telegram, lives on Instagram consultancies, etc., information previously provided in the public notice.

5.19       All information regarding the classes given are based on the experiences of teachers or third parties, which will be pointed out during the course.

5.20       The period of access to the course will be stipulated in the notice and set out in the course information and contract.

5.20.1   Compliance with the course schedule and completion of 100% of the content within the access period acquired is the student's responsibility;

5.20.2   If the student is unable to complete the course within the period specified in the public notice, requests to extend the course for any reason will not be accepted, and the possibility of requesting the reactivation of the course upon payment will not be accepted. of the reactivation rate, following the following provisions: The student can request the reactivation of the course up to 6 months after the end of the access period for the course. The reactivation access period is "+ 1 month of access" and within the period of 6 months after the end of the access period, the student can purchase as many reactivations as necessary. At the end of the period of 6 months after the end of the access period, it will not be allowed to request reactivation, and the student must acquire a new registration to have access to the course.   The fees for reactivating courses are specific to each course and must be requested via

5.21       The course headquarters is in Curitiba, filming can be done in Brazil or any other country, but All postings comply with Brazilian law.


6. What the platform DOES NOT offer for courses:​

6.1         A plataforma não oferece nenhuma espécie de material físico para o curso, only recorded classes and support materials, when necessary.​

6.2         A contratada só fornecerá os materiais digitais para o curso, não sendo obliged to provide equipment, copies of books and works, materials.​

6.3         Quando houver a necessidade de utilizar qualquer material para casos práticos é de the student is entirely responsible for the purchase, quality and maintenance of equipment.​

6.4         A escola não oferece qualquer acompanhamento pessoal para procedimentos particulares realizados pelos alunos and is not responsible for any procedure performed by students without the physical supervision (monitoring) of the contracted teacher.​

6.5         Da mesma forma, a escola não se responsabiliza sobre qualquer técnica utilizada wrongly or questionably, medical errors or procedures taught in class.

6.6         Não é papel da plataforma, dos conteúdos, do médico veterinário Octávio Lisboa and guest professors offer consultations or advise on clinical and surgical cases, provide treatments, diagnoses or prescribe medication online.

7. Use of the Portal and its links​

​7.1         Em nenhuma hipótese Portal Cursos de Medicina de Aves is responsible for using the Cursos de Medicina de Aves Portal or for accessing links indicated therein, as well as for acts performed by USERS based on information obtained from links._d04a07d8-9cd1-3239-9149- 20813d6c673b_

7.2         O acesso aos links dos cursos é exclusivo e restrito aos alunos que purchased the course. The content of the courses is the property of Cursos de Medicina de Aves, therefore the user undertakes not to share, record, copy, modify, reproduce, distribute, download, store, transmit, sell, resell, reverse engineer or create products. derived from any content available in the course or on the Aves Medicine Courses platform, under penalty of civil and criminal liability.​

7.2.1      Perform any of the activities mentioned in item 10.2 or similar, under penalty of expulsion, cancellation of registration and without the right to return payments, in addition to the application of appropriate measures in the civil and criminal scope​.

7.2.2      The only exceptions would be to make posts - with the permission of the teacher and other colleagues - and provided that there is marking the school and teachers with the appropriate “@”, or when the school provides downloadable material.

7.3         Todos os cursos estão protegidos nos termos do contrato assinado digitalmente pelo aluno after confirmation of purchase, if you do not respect the described in this, they will be subject to responsibilities according to the same terms.​

7.4         Para que os USUÁRIOS possam desfrutar dos benefícios prestados pelo portal cursosdemedicinadeaves. com, it is necessary to register on the portal, or Nutror, according to the specification of each product, the user will only have full access to the content after payment for the course and when necessary and acceptance of the contract.


​8. Use of the Services by the USER

8.1         Para acessar determinados Serviços, poderá ser solicitado ao USUÁRIO que forneça informações (such as identification or contact details) as part of the registration process for the Service or as part of the USER's continued use of the Services. The USER declares the veracity, accuracy and updating of the registration information provided to Cursos de Medicina de Aves.​

8.2         O acesso às aulas só será realizado após o aceite contratual e aceite of the company's policies, when hiring paid courses, confirmation of enrollment under the terms of the contract. ​

8.3         O usuário tem consciência que o acesso é meramente uma cessão temporária de right to use the exposed content, which may not be sold, loaned, assigned, without the express authorization of the company, under penalty of civil and criminal liability.​

​8.4         O USUÁRIO concorda not to access (or attempt to access) any of the Services by any means other than through the interface provided by Cursos de Medicina de Aves, unless specifically authorized to do so.​

​8.5         O USUÁRIO concorda specifically not to access (or attempt to access) any of the Services through automated means (including use of scripts or web crawlers).​

​8.6         O USUÁRIO concorda not to participate in any activity that interferes with or interrupts the functioning of the Services (or servers and networks connected to the Services).​

​8.7         O USUÁRIO concorda not to reproduce, duplicate, copy, sell, market or resell the services and products contained in the​

​8.8         O USUÁRIO concorda that it will be solely responsible (and that the Portal has no responsibility towards the USER or third parties) for any failure to comply with its obligations with regard to the terms of this instrument and for the damages caused to the Portal as a result of this default.​

8.9         O usuário está plenamente ciente que a senha é pessoal e intransferível, as stated in the contract, the availability of personal access data to third parties, whether for the purpose of making a profit or not, is totally prohibited.

8.9.1      Also, access to the course platform is expressly prohibited by more than one electronic device simultaneously login.​

8.9.2      From the moment the contracting party registers on the portal with login and password, this becomes be responsible for all information provided on your behalf, not only on the portal, but in groups on Telegram, WhatsApp, email, study groups, Instagram, etc.​  If the password is exposed to third parties, the contracted party cannot be held responsible for the leakage of the customer's personal data, the contracted party being again responsible for any act that the person who used the your login and password practice.​

8.10​       O USUÁRIO poderá responder civil e/ou penalmente por qualquer ilícito advindo of your action and/or omission on the Portal.

​9. The USER, in these Terms of Use, agrees to:​

​9.1         Fornecer informações verdadeiras , accurate, current and complete about himself when registering in the specific form for access to the Portal.​

9.2         Conservar e atualizar imediatamente tais informações de Registro para mantê-las verdadeiras , exact, current and complete.​

9.3         O USUÁRIO deverá informar seu próprio endereço eletrônico a ser utilizado para sua identification on the Portal and receipt of messages from your registration on that Site.

9.3.1      The USER must also create a password, being entirely responsible for the confidentiality of any activity that occurs within the scope of your registration. The USER can change his password at any time.

9.3.2      Both the electronic address informed by the USER and the password created by the USER will be used to identify the USER and permission to access the Portal.​

​9.4         Os USUÁRIOS menores aged 18 (eighteen) must be represented or assisted, as the case may be, by their parents or legal guardians to register.​

​9.5         As Informações da USERS account are password protected for your security and privacy.​

​9.6         USUÁRIO concorda em immediately notify the Portal of any unauthorized use of your login (identification of the USER to access the Portal, by filling in your personal electronic address and password created on the Portal or any breach of security of your knowledge.​

​9.6.1      Faz parte de nossa política respeitar a privacidade de nossos USUÁRIOS. The Portal Cursos de Medicina de Aves will not, therefore, monitor, edit or disclose private information of its USERS, without prior authorization - in contract -, except in the cases expressly provided for in the terms of the Privacy Policy or unless we are obliged to do so. it by court order or by force of law.​

9.7         O USUÁRIO está ciente que o site utiliza o sistema cookies, portanto has its privacy in accordance with the privacy terms described on the site itself and on partner sites and platforms, therefore, for full access to the content, the student must authorize the use of their data, their maintenance for a period of 5 years and when disclosure of these is necessary.​​

9.8         O USUÁRIO autoriza expressamente o Portal a comunicar-se with the same through all available communication channels, including electronic mail (e-mail), Cellular, SMS, Whatsapp among others.​

9.9         Não é responsabilidade da empresa caso o usuário deixe de receber qualquer informação for not providing correct or up-to-date data.

10. It is the responsibility of the USER:​

​10.1.      Make your own registration on the Portal, being responsible for the correctness, accuracy and veracity of the data keep your access password.​

​10.2       Não fornecer ou compartilhar seu acesso e sua senha do portal cursosdemedicinadeaves .com for use by third parties, subject to penalties provided for in the relevant legislation and in a contract accepted at the time of purchase of the course.​

10.3.      Keep your computer environment safe, using available tools such as antivirus and firewall, among others, updated, in order to contribute to the prevention of electronic risks by USERS.​

10.4       Respect all policies outlined in contract, therefore read the contract carefully and accept the terms before purchase and company policies.

11. The USER undertakes:​


​11.2       NÃO violar ou tentar violar quaisquer medidas de segurança do Portal cursosdemedicinadeaves .com, or take advantage of any system inconsistency to take advantage of yourself or third parties, or cause damage to the platform​.

11.3       The user undertakes to act in good faith and in accordance with the company's principles and values.

11.4       Não plagiar qualquer informação fornecida pelos professores sob pena de lei.​

11.5       If the student does not respect any of the guidelines set out in this term or contract, he may be fined or punished with suspension expulsion from the platform, according to the contract term.

12. Copyright and Intellectual Property​

​12.1       Os textos, fotografias, imagens, logomarcas e sons presentes e published on the portal are protected by copyright or other intellectual property rights, so their misuse can generate damages and even criminal sanctions, under the terms of the law._d04a07d8-9cd1-3239-9149 -20813d6c673b_​

12.2       By accessing the Portal, the USER declares that it will respect all intellectual and industrial property rights , those arising from the protection of trademarks, as well as all rights relating to third parties that may be, or were, in any way available on the portal, including articles, documents, videos, classes, applications and news._d04a07d8 -9cd1-3239-9149-20813d6c673b_

​12.3       O simples acesso ao Portal não confere ao USUÁRIO any right to use the names, titles, words, phrases, trademarks, patents, quotes, content, articles, publications, literary, artistic, literary-musical works, videos, classes, among others, that are, or were, available therein. ​

​12.4       É vedada a utilização do Portal ou das informações inserted therein, without authorization, for commercial, advertising or any other purposes that contradict the reality for which it was designed as defined in this Term. Reproduction, distribution and dissemination, in whole or in part, of the texts, figures, graphics, classes, videos that make up the portal are also prohibited, without the prior and express authorization of -20813d6c673b_

12.5       É totalmente vedado ao aluno o compartilhamento de informações de outros alunos.​_d04a07d8 -9cd1-3239-9149-20813d6c673b_

12.6       The Birds Medicine Courses Portal reserves the right to use the stored cadastral relationship data for actions portal with USERS, respecting the privacy policy and the provisions in force in the relevant legislation.


13. Information Reliability

​13.1       O Portal assegura que as informações fornecidas no Portal Avian Medicine courses are correct, complete and current. However, the portal does not assume responsibility for the use, application or processing that USERS may carry out in relation to the aforementioned registration information in disagreement with their nature and function.

13.2       The information contained in the portal may be updated periodically by ” This information should not be interpreted as definitive.​

13.3       The use of the content made available on the portal is the responsibility of the USER. -9149-20813d6c673b_

​13.4       O Portal poderá alterar a forma e o conteúdo , as well as suspend or cancel, at its sole discretion, at any time, any of the services, products, utilities or applications made available on the site.​

​13.5       O Portal envidará seus melhores esforços no sentido de keep the information and materials contained on this website as accurate, current and complete as possible.​​

13.6       Through the use of cookies and the privacy policy, the website informs you that all information about customers , which can be saved and shared in accordance with the privacy terms exposed on the site.​

13.7       When there is a possibility, according to the guidelines of each course, by accepting to join the Whatsapp and Telegram group student agrees that his phone will be automatically available to other participants, and the company will no longer be responsible if there is any form of communication between other participants or third parties with the contractor.​

13.7.1   The company is not responsible for the terms and privacy policies of platforms that may be used to facilitate student communication, such as Zoom, Whatsapp, Instagram, Google, emails, nutror , etc.​

13.8       The student licenses the use of his/her image, name, bibliographic data and academic works , specifically for the informative and promotional use of courses and activities of these, by any means of communication, folders, post or other audiovisual communication material that has a link with the contractors, whether for placement on national and/or international communication networks, for purposes of dissemination of academic activities, without the contracting party being entitled to any compensation or remuneration.​

13.9       The student's image and data will be kept in the contractor's possession for a maximum period of 5 years excluded.​

13.9.1   Informs that students may be required to use a webcam and microphone for classes and therefore they can be filmed and have their image and sound recorded during classes._d04a07d8-9cd1 -3239-9149-20813d6c673b_

13.10     The user allows the sharing of his e-mail, telephone and name to partner companies and teachers, not allowing the use of personal data such as RG, CPF and among others.​

13.10.1  This information may be used to send promotions, articles, study groups, newsletters, etc.​

13.10.2  The student allows sending email and notifications with information about other courses, classes, articles, publications, promotions, etc.

13.10.3  The contracted party will allow the use of this data by the partners for a maximum period of 5 years from the agreement of the terms of use and cookies of the site.​

13.10.4 The user accepts that the data of the course and of his research together with the professor, may be used for the purposes of international studies, based not only on Brazilian legislation but also on international legislation, based on article 34 of L. 13709.​

13.11     The contractor undertakes to securely store, within the terms of the data protection law, all information provided by customers, including personal data, access, notes, etc., for a period of 5 years, after which the information will be correctly discarded.​

13.12     After the period stipulated in the previous clause, the contractor may not use the information for any purpose, not even for the dissemination of new products._d04a07d8-9cd1-3239 -9149-20813d6c673b_

13.13     All data will be encrypted and stored with due security, following the national, international terms and data protection policy and in particular the terms of the contract with the company “Nutror”.​

13.14     Only data will be shared – with the exception of e-mail, name and telephone, articles, images – with the express authorization of the customer._d04a07d8-9cd1-3239- 9149-20813d6c673b_

13.15     No data that could harm the image, honor, or privacy of the contractor will be shared._d04a07d8-9cd1-3239-9149-20813b_6c67

13.16     The use of data is hereby authorized, without reservation, in the cases of article 07.08 and 09 of LAW 13709._d04a07d8-9cd-1-32 9149-20813d6c673b_

13.17     The services provided and products developed are protected by the legislation governing Copyright (Brazilian Federal Constitution, art.5, items XXVII, XXVIII and XXIX; Brazilian Federal Law No. 9,610 of February 19, 1998, article 7 and other provisions, Brazilian Civil Code, Consumer Protection Code, Brazilian Constitution of 1988, Penal Code, LGPD and International Agreements.


14. Modifications to these Terms and Conditions

​​14.1       O Portal cursosdemedicinadeaves. com reserves the right to modify at any time, aiming at continuous improvement, unilaterally, these Terms and Conditions of Use. When browsing the Portal, the USER agrees with the Terms and Conditions that are in force on the date and, therefore, must check them in advance each time they visit the Portal.​

​14.2       Todos os cursos seguirão o disposto nos contratos aceitos no momento da contract and these cannot be modified while the course is in effect.

15. Exclusion of warranties and liability

​15.1       Em decorrência de questões operacionais e de terceirização de serviços, o portal and its services are subject to possible interruption problems, technical failure, or temporary unavailability.​

​15.2       O Portal se exime, com toda a extensão permitted by the legal system, from any liability for damages of any nature that may arise from the lack of availability or continuity of operation of the Portal, the defrauding of the utility that USERS may have attributed to the website and services, the fallibility of the website and services and, in particular, although not exclusively, to failures to access the different web pages that make up the platform or on which the services are provided.​

​15.3       O USUÁRIO está ciente de que o Portal não will be responsible for:​

​15.3.1   Any direct, indirect, incidental, special, consequential or exemplary damages, incurred by USER, caused and under any theory of liability, including, but not limited to, any loss of profits (incurred directly or indirectly), any loss related to good faith or business reputation, any loss of data that the user may suffer, costs of acquiring goods or services or other intangible loss;_d04a07d8 -9cd1-3239-9149-20813d6c673b_

15.3.2   Any expectation by USER as to the completeness, accuracy or existence of any advertising, or as a result of any relationship or transaction entered into with any advertiser or sponsor whose advertising appears on the Services;_d04a07d8-9cd1 -3239-9149-20813d6c673b_

​15.3.3   Any changes that the Portal may make to the Services, or for any permanent or temporary cessation of providing the Services (or any functionality within services);​​

15.3.4   Deletion, corruption or inability to store any content or other communications data held or transmitted by or through the USER's use of the services;_d04a07d8-9cd1-3239-9149- 20813d6c673b_​

15.3.5   Failure by the USER to provide the Portal with correct information regarding the account;​

​15.3.6   The USER does not maintain the security and confidentiality of his account and password details.


​​16. The limitations of liability of the Portal towards the USER, mentioned above, will apply regardless of whether Cursos de Medicina de Aves has been notified or should have been aware of the possibility of such losses occurring.

​17. Cancellation Rules​

17.1       The Consumer Protection Code, Art. 49, guarantees the right to withdraw from the purchase of the product or service, within 07 days of the contract.

17.2       If the consumer exercises the right of repentance provided for in this article, the amounts eventually paid, for any reason the reflection period, will be returned in full.​

17.3       The student who wishes to request the right to withdraw must do so in writing via email: 

18. Doubts

If you have any questions regarding these provisions, please contact our team via whatsapp support: 21 98184-3524.


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